
Direct Lending partners with Tan Chong Motor to Introduce a Shariah-compliant Auto Service Financing Plan

Direct Lending, a prominent Malaysian digital lending platform, has announced a strategic partnership with Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad (Tan Chong) to introduce a Shariah-compliant, fully digital auto service financing plan at Nissan Service Centres across the nation.

Aligned with its commitment to offering Nissan car owners a seamless experience at their service centres, Tan Chong customers can now undergo financial eligibility checks and document validation via the online platform, enabling immediate financing compared to conventional options. This initiative aims to provide peace of mind for car owners by offering increased flexibility in managing their car service and repair expenses, with a repayment period of up to 12 months.

The application process is streamlined into three simple steps: applicants fill in their details, submit their identification card along with the last three months’ bank statements, and finalise the process by making the first payment, setting up monthly payments, and signing the financing agreement—all completed digitally via smartphone.

To initiate this program, Direct Lending services will be initially available at 10 selected Tan Chong’s Nissan Service Centers, with plans for nationwide expansion to all Tan Chong’s Nissan Service Centres in the future.

Direct Lending’s car service installment plan is a Shariah-compliant financing facility fully endorsed by Amanie Advisors, a leading global Islamic Finance Advisory firm, ensuring accessibility to all. As of 2023, the company has conducted over 130,000 financing eligibility evaluations, highlighting its commitment to providing accessible financial solutions.

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