Another day, another roadtrip! Following closely on the heels of the one recently organised by BHP (<–link), Petron Malaysia recently organized an exclusive media drive to demonstrate its advanced additive formulation performance, TriAction Advantage in its best-selling and popular everyday fuel, Petron Blaze 95. Yup, you read that right, only Petron’s RON95 would be used for this run.

Dubbed the Petron TriAction Advantage Performance Run Media Road Trip, 14 of us motoring media, including yours truly, travelled approximately 280 kilometers on a 7-hour journey starting from the Petron MRR2 Selayang service station in Kuala Lumpur (near Batu Caves), with stopovers at Kuala Gandah and Temerloh before concluding the trip at Gambang, Pahang. And thanks to the use of B-roads, we had the chance to really experience Petron Blaze 95 formulated with TriAction Advantage.

That being said, I did mention to the good people at Petron that in order to really feel any difference, it would have been better to use our own cars, because the Honda CR-V that I drove (Car 4, below) was just epically good on this drive, so I’m not sure if it was because of the Blaze RON95 petrol, or the fact that the new CR-V is just so damn good! Petron said they would consider my suggestion for 2019, so fingers-crossed.

“We are thrilled to have our annual media road trip for the participants to experience our most popular everyday fuel Blaze 95 and our advanced fuel additive technology, TriAction Advantage. This will be our fifth consecutive road trip with the media as part of our fuel happy promotion of our innovative fuels and the first-rate customer service at our stations,” said Choong Kum Choy, Head of Retail Business.

One of the key messages imparted by Petron during this event was the fact that all its grades of fuel, be it Blaze RON 95, 97 or 100 (photo below) all have the TriAction Advantage formula, which includes a Synthetic Detergent that cleans and keeps the engine clean within 2 full tanks, a Friction Modifier that reduces the friction between the piston and cylinder wall, and a Combustion Enhancer that results in a cleaner, more complete and more efficient burn.

Here’s what Petron had to say about the drive….
The 2-day TriAction Advantage Performance Run Media Road Trip was only powered by Petron Blaze 95 while the participants’ rides were furnished exclusively by well-known car companies Euromobil Sdn Bhd, Honda Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd. Driving through the ‘backbone’ of the central Peninsula, the convoy cruised at a comfortable speed of 60-110 km/h (Hahaha! No we didn’t! especially the Myvi… – CW) in their Audi A6 and Q3, Honda CRV and Perodua Myvi. Changing from two-way to single-lane roads and maneuvering between winding mountainside roads, the media had the opportunity to test the power and efficiency of Petron Blaze 95 with TriAction Advantage.

Stopping at Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary for a quick break, the road trippers continued their journey until Temerloh for the authentic traditional Patin Tempoyak meal. The vehicles refueled at Petron KM 3.5 Mile Jalan Gambang. “The media road trip highlights Petron’s superior Blaze 95 RON fuel which is powered with our advanced additive technology, TriAction Advantage that gives better engine protection, better mileage, and better power,” said Choong.

UTM gets involved…
To highlight the efficiency of Blaze 95, Petron collaborated with the Automotive Development Centre from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Engineering Faculty to measure and validate (above) the fuel performance and consumption of each participating car. In a product sharing session, participants were introduced to the Petron Technical Service team headed by Chew Choy, who shared product information of Petron products, namely Petron Blaze 100 Euro 4M, Petron 97 Euro 4M, Petron Blaze 95 and the TriAction Advantage formulation. You can see the official results below, tabulated from Petron Selayang to Petron Gambang 3.5 stations.
(Please note that Car 4: Honda CR-V that I drove is in second most fuel-efficient place! – CW)

“The TriAction Advantage formulation provides better power, better mileage, and better engine protection as it comes from the combined action of the detergent, friction modifier and organic combustion enhancer additives in the fuel,” said Chew Choy, Senior Technical Service Advisor at Petron. The detergent in TriAction Advantage helps clean up and keep the engine inlet system clean, enabling the vehicle’s engine to operate at maximum efficiency. Vehicles can experience better power and fuel consumption with TriAction Advantage’s friction modifier which helps reduce friction between the piston and cylinder wall.
Chew further mentioned that aftermarket bottled ‘additives’ are not required if you use Petron Blaze, because all the additives you’d need are already in the fuel.

TriAction Advantage also contains an organic combustion enhancer, a metal free and ashless organic compound to improve the combustion of gasoline fuel. It creates a catalytic reaction, which breaks down long molecular chains, enabling more oxygen to combine with the carbon molecules, thus resulting in the fuel to burn completely, giving better mileage and less harmful emissions.

Choong added, “Petron’s Blaze 95 reaffirms our goal to provide innovative products to enhance our customers’ driving experience. Our fuels provide better protection, better economy, and reduced harmful emissions to the environment. We want to continue delivering world class fuels and services to all of our customers.” The annual Petron Road Trip event is a fun and enjoyable long-distance journey for exclusive press members to experience the world-class products and personalized services offered only at Petron service stations.

While testing the performance of the fuel, guests will be taken on exhilarating highway and cross-country drives with stop-overs at some of the country’s best places to visit. The first Petron Road Trip was in 2015 held in line with the introduction of the Petron Blaze 97 Euro-4M gasoline nationwide. To-date there are 620 Petron stations nationwide.