
Honda Malaysia

A recent survey by a global consumer think tank placed Honda as one of the top five most reliable brands in the world. And among all the models under the Japanese marque’s wing, the CRV was hailed as one of the most practical on a global level.

There is no surprise there though as the CRV is one of the most popular Honda’s not only on Malaysian roads, but around the world as well.

The Honda CRV has been locally assembled since 2003 and close to 130,000 units have found a home. And with the launch of the sixth-generation model just around the corner, we think more homes will be welcoming the CRV.

We recently drove the new model prior to its highly anticipated local launch and can say that owners of the current model will not recognize the new CRV except for the badge. Nothing except its practicality has been carried over to the new model.


Sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta boleh dikatakan sebagai salah satu sistem keselamatan yang wajib ada dalam kereta moden.

Ia berfungsi dengan menggunakan sensor ultrasonik yang terbenam di sisi atau di bahagian bawah bumper belakang kereta untuk mengesan kenderaan lain yang berada di sudut buta. Selepas itu, ia akan memberi amaran kepada pemandu, sama ada melalui amaran visual atau auditori.

Beberapa sistem juga menggunakan kamera di sisi cermin pandang tepi yang dipasang di sisi.

Sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta ini dibangunkan oleh Volvo yang pertama kali menamakannya BLIS (Blind Spot Information System), dan pertama kali dipaparkan dalam konsep keselamatan kereta Volvo (SCC) pada tahun 2001 (di bawah).

Ia kemudian dipaparkan semula di Pameran Antarabangsa Automotif Amerika Utara 2004 di Detroit, Michigan, dan boleh didapati sebagai pilihan pada wagon XC70 dan sedan S60 pada tahun yang sama.

Pada hari ini, Sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta (BSM) tersedia dalam pelbagai kereta, termasuk Perodua Myvi dan Axia.

Namun, dengan menariknya, kereta Honda di Malaysia dijual dengan sistem alternatif kepada BSM yang dipanggil Sistem Lane Watch (LWS).

LWS mempunyai objektif yang sama seperti sistem BSM di mana ia memberi amaran kepada pemandu tentang halangan di sudut buta kereta.

Walau bagaimanapun, ia berfungsi dengan menggunakan kamera yang diletakkan di cermin sisi kiri dan kemudian menunjukkan imej video bahagian belakang di sudut kiri kereta.

Ini hanya berfungsi apabila lampu isyarat digunakan atau apabila butang yang diletakkan pada batang lampu isyarat ditekan. Tiada amaran visual atau auditori yang lain dan ia juga tidak memberi amaran tentang kenderaan lain di sisi kanan kereta.

Masalah lain adalah bahawa ia hanya berfungsi dengan baik pada siang hari apabila matahari bersinar dengan terang. Ini kerana kamera yang digunakan menghantar imej yang berbutir ke skrin yang terletak di tengah, yang seringkali juga menunjukkan peta GPS.

Ia tidak berfungsi dengan baik dalam keadaan cahaya rendah, pada waktu malam, atau yang lebih teruk, dalam hujan monsun Malaysia di mana hampir tidak dapat dilihat apa-apa.

Kerap kali, dua motosikal yang sedang bergerak seiringan pada waktu malam boleh disalahanggap sebagai satu kereta.

Walaupun begitu, Honda menawarkan sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta di pasaran lain, cuma bukan di Malaysia. Belum lagi lah.

Baru-baru ini, kami berpeluang bertanya mengenai perkara ini semasa temuramah media peribadi dengan Eisuke Sato (diatas), Pemimpin Projek Besar Honda CRV generasi keenam yang baru dilancarkan. Sato-san terbang dari Jepun untuk memperkenalkan CRV baru di Malaysia.

Apabila ditanya oleh Piston.my mengapa Honda di Malaysia masih menggunakan Lane Watch daripada sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta, Sato-san berkata, “Di kawasan lain, kami menggunakan BSM dan dalam CRV secara global, kami juga menggunakan BSM.”

“Namun, khususnya di Asia dan di Malaysia, kami mengambil kira bagaimana motosikal sering digunakan dan kami percaya bahawa Lane Watch lebih berkesan.”

“Kerana Lane Watch boleh mengvisualisasikan di mana motosikal berada dan berapa banyak motosikal, sistem Lane Watch dapat memberikan maklumat yang lebih tepat kepada pemandu.”

Apabila ditanya tentang imej yang kadangkala terkabaur dan bagaimana penggunaan kamera definisi tinggi mungkin menjadikan sistem lebih berkesan, Sato-san menjawab, “Jika kita melihat pesaing, ada yang menggunakan kamera definisi lebih tinggi tetapi kami mengesahkan bahawa spesifikasi semasa yang digunakan dalam CRV sudah mencukupi untuk menangkap kehadiran motosikal.”

“Kami juga memahami bahawa dalam situasi gelap dan hujan, pemandu memerlukan lebih banyak kejelasan, jadi kami akan terus memantau situasi ini dan akan mempertimbangkan peningkatan untuk model-model seterusnya,” tambahnya.

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta berfungsi lebih baik dalam cahaya rendah dan cuaca buruk, dan baguslah bahwa Honda Malaysia mendengar maklum balas dari pengguna.

Jadi, adakah kita akan melihat sistem Pemantau Sudut Buta muncul dalam model-model akan datang? Jika ada sesuatu yang kita ambil dari temuramah itu, kita boleh dengan yakin mengatakan ya, cuma masalah masa sahaja.

The Blind Spot Monitoring system is arguably one of the must have safety systems in modern cars.

It works by using ultrasonic sensors embedded in the side or at the bottom of a vehicle’s rear bumper to detect other vehicles present in the blind spot. This then alerts the driver either through visual or auditory alerts.

Some systems also use side-mounted cameras which are mounted in the side view mirrors.

The Blind Spot Monitoring system was developed by Volvo who first called it BLIS, and was first shown in the Volvo Safety Concept car (SCC) in 2001 (shown below).

It was later shown again at the 2004 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan and was available as an option on the XC70 wagon and the S60 sedan of the same year.

These days the Blind Spot Monitoring system (BSM) is available in a number of cars as well as the likes of the Perodua Myvi and the Axia.

Curiously though, Honda cars in Malaysia have been sold with an alternative system to BSM called the Lane Watch System (LWS).

The LWS has the same objective as the BSM system where it alerts the driver of obstacles in the blind spot of the car.

However, it works by using a camera placed on the left side mirror (seen below) and then displays a video image of the left rear quarter of the car.

This only works when the turn signal is used or when a button placed on the turn signal stalk is pressed. There is no other visual nor auditory alert and neither does it alert you of other vehicles on the right side of the car.

And the other problem is that it only works best during the day when the sun is shinning at its brightest, as can be seen in the image below. This is because the camera that is used sends back a grainy image onto the centrally-placed monitor that often also shows the GPS map.

It does not work well in low light conditions, at night, or worse, in the torrential Malaysian monsoon rain where barely anything can be seen at all.

Often times, two motorcycles riding side by side at night can be misinterpreted as a single car.

Curiously though, Honda does offer Blind Spot Monitoring system in other markets, just not in Malaysia. Not yet at least.

We recently got the chance to ask why this is so during a private media interview with Eisuke Sato, the Large Project Leader of the newly launched sixth-generation Honda CRV. Sato-san flew in from Japan for the Malaysian introduction of the new CRV.

When asked by Piston.my on why Malaysian Honda’s still use Lane Watch rather than the Blind Spot Monitoring system, Sato-san said, “In other regions, we do apply BSM and in the CRV globally, we do apply BSM as well.”

“However, specifically in Asian and in Malaysia, we consider how motorcycles are often used and we believe that Lane Watch is more effective.”

“Because Lane Watch can actually visualise where a motorcycle is and how many motorcycles there are, the Lane Watch system can provide for more accurate information for drivers.”

When asked about the grainy image and how the use of a high-definition camera would probably make the system more effective, Sato-san replied, “If we look at competitors, there are those who utilise higher-definition cameras but we did verify and confirm that the current spec used in the CRV is sufficient to capture the presence of motorcycles.”

“We also do understand that in dark situations and when it is raining drivers will need more visibility, so we will continue monitoring the situation and will consider an upgrade for the next models,” he added.

There is no doubt that Blind Spot Monitoring system works better in low light and in bad weather, and it is great that Honda Malaysia has an ear on the ground and listens to feedback.

So will we see the Blind Spot Monitoring system making an appearance in upcoming models. If there’s anything we took away from that interview, we can confidently say yes, it is just a matter of time.

Dengan Honda CR-V yang baru dilancarkan di Malaysia, kami dapati ciri menarik selain dari kerusi penstabilan badan, iaitu gril shutter aktif.

Sejak tahun 2017, Honda telah memasukkan gril shutter aktif dalam model seperti Odyssey. Sistem ini direka untuk meningkatkan aerodinamik dengan menggunakan pengudaraan untuk mengawal aliran udara melalui gril ke sistem penyejukan dan ruang enjin.

Gril shutter aktif ditempatkan di hadapan penyejuk dan terdiri daripada lubang angin yang boleh bergerak yang dapat berpindah untuk membenarkan atau menghalang aliran udara. Dikawal oleh modul kawalan enjin kereta, lubang angin ini boleh disesuaikan ke pelbagai posisi, dari sepenuhnya tertutup hingga sepenuhnya terbuka, bergantung kepada keperluan udara penyejukan untuk kondensor dan penyejuk.


Honda Malaysia secara rasmi telah melancarkan Honda CR-V yang baru sepenuhnya, sebuah model yang menerima ulasan positif selepas ujian pandu di Thailand. Dalaman CR-V ditekankan untuk keluasannya dan keselesaan yang cemerlang. Ia memperkenalkan Honda Body Stabilising Seats untuk penumpang hadapan, meningkatkan keselesaan semasa perjalanan yang panjang.

Kerusi ini menampilkan struktur yang diperbaiki di bahagian belakang, memberikan sokongan lumbar dan pelvik. Reka bentuk ini bertujuan untuk mencipta kesan penstabilan badan, mengurangkan keletihan, terutamanya di kawasan pinggul dan pinggang semasa perjalanan yang panjang. Struktur yang diperbaiki juga membantu dalam mengekalkan posisi pemanduan yang selesa dan stabil, walaupun ketika melalui selekoh dan permukaan jalan yang tidak rata.


Honda Malaysia hari ini secara rasmi melancarkan SUV terunggulnya, CR-V (Comfortable Runabout Vehicle) Serba Baharu Generasi ke-6. Bakal mendefinisikan semula pasaran SUV, ‘The Ultimate SUV’ ini terserlah dengan enjin e:HEV 2.0L generasi baharu dan rekaan baharu yang memperlihatkan DNA Honda. Hadir dalam bentuk luaran yang elegan bersama ruang dalaman premium dan luas, keselesaan yang tidak ditandingi dan teknologi-teknologi canggih, CR-V Serba Baharu bakal menetapkan standard tersendiri.

Dengan pilihan dua enjin dan tersedia dalam empat varian, CR-V Serba Baharu menawarkan pilihan yang khusus untuk memenuhi kehendak dan keperluan pelbagai pelanggan. Enjin e:HEV 2.0L menjadi tonggak CR-V Serba Baharu varian RS, yang menghasilkan tork sehingga 335Nm, dan kuasa maksimum 184PS. Untuk julung kalinya bagi Honda Malaysia, model ini dipadankan dengan Transmisi Boleh Laras Berterusan Elektrik (e:CVT) dalam kerangka baharu, bagi menyediakan prestasi enjin cemerlang, penjimatan minyak dan kesesuaian kuasa tinggi.

Pelanggan yang mahukan sebuah SUV dengan dinamik pemanduan yang mengujakan boleh memilih varian S, E atau V, didatangkan dengan enjin berprestasi tinggi 1.5L VTEC Turbo yang mencapai kuasa maksimum 193PS dan tork maksimum 243Nm. Berfungsi bersama sistem CVT yang canggih, enjin ini menyediakan prestasi berkuasa sambil mengoptimumkan respon pecutan, penjimatan minyak dan kesenyapan. Varian V didatangkan secara eksklusif dengan Real Time AWD yang mana pembahagian kuasa antara pemanduan depan dan belakang ditambah baik untuk pemanduan yang lebih stabil.

Kelihatan menarik dari setiap sudut, gaya moden dan sofistikated CR-V Serba Baharu menterjemahkan rekaan Honda yang tersendiri. Bagi varian S, E, dan e:HEV RS, ianya lebih besar dan lebar berbanding generasi terdahulu, dengan panjang 4,691mm, lebar 1,866mm, tinggi 1,681mm dan jarak roda 2,701mm. Menyegarkan lagi estetika SUV yang telah direka semula ini adalah Gril Depan dengan Corak Mesh tebal (Front Grille with a bold Mesh Pattern), Lampu LED di bahagian depan dan belakang (Full LED Headlights and Tail-Lights), Lampu Isyarat LED (Front LED Sequential Turn Signals), Kemasan Krom di belakang ekzos (Tailpipe Chrome Finisher), dan Lampu Belok Aktif  (Active Cornering Lights).

Varian paling atas, e:HEV RS dilengkapi dengan Gril Penutup Aktif (Active Shutter Grille), ciri automatik pada Bampar Depan Bawah (Front Lower Bumper) yang menambah baik aerodinamik dan penjimatan minyak CR-V Serba Baharu. Selain itu, varian e:HEV RS membolehkan pemiliknya memandu dengan bergaya dengan Rim Aloi Berlina Hitam 18 inci yang meningkatkan rasa premium model ini.

Honda Malaysia membawa SUV terunggulnya ke tahap seterusnya dengan ruang kargo paling besar dalam CR-V, dan paling besar dalam segmen SUV. Kapasiti ruang but kini sebesar 589 liter dengan kerusi belakang didirikan, dan bertambah kepada 1,072 liter apabila kerusi dibaringkan. CR-V Serba Baharu ini mempunyai ketinggian muatan yang rendah, memudahkan pemilik memasukkan atau mengeluarkan barang. Lagi satu ciri mudah ialah Pintu But Berkuasa Bebas dengan fungsi Walkaway Close (Hands-Free Power Tailgate with Walkaway Close), yang membolehkan pemilik membuka bahagian but dengan hanya perlu menghalakan kaki di bahagian bampar belakang. Pintu but akan tertutup secara automatik apabila pemilik berlalu pergi.

Reka bentuk kemas dan horizontal bagi bahagian dalam CR-V Serba Baharu itu mempunyai gabungan gaya classy dan kontemporari, dan pada masa yang sama, menawarkan keselesaan dan kabin yang lebih lapang. Tempat duduk berkulit di dalam varian E dan ke atas juga menambah rasa premium dalam kabin. Melengkapkan semua itu, pemandu juga akan mendapat lebih keselesaan dengan Kerusi Pemandu Elektrik 8-hala (8-way Driver Power Seat) dengan memori dua posisi yang membolehkan mereka mencari posisi paling selesa dan menyimpan konfigurasi kegemaran mereka. Penumpang juga menikmati suasana yang lebih nyaman dalam SUV ini dengan ruang kaki yang 16mm lebih lebar berbanding sebelumnya.

Selain itu, CR-V Serba Baharu ini menawarkan keselesaan untuk penumpang belakang dengan kerusi yang boleh dilaras pada lapan sudut berbeza. Beberapa ciri-ciri inovatif dan praktikal diintegrasikan dengan berhemah untuk menambah baik pengalaman di dalam kabin CR-V Serba Baharu. Dalam varian E dan ke atas, terdapat port USB-C tambahan di depan, Paparan Audio 9-inci bersama Apple CarPlayTM dan Android AutoTM dan Pengecas Tanpa Wayar. Sebagai tambahan, varian V dan e:HEV RS menawarkan Lampu Kabin Ambient Berwarna.

Bagi pengalaman pemanduan yang lebih optimum, varian e:HEV RS dilengkapi ciri-ciri eksklusif, termasuk Meter TFT 10.2 inci. Ia juga hadir dengan Sistem Audio Premium 12- pembesar suara dari Bose menjadikan CR-V Serba Baharu model pertama dalam barisan kenderaan buatan tempatan Honda yang dilengkapi dengan ciri baharu ini. Ciri ini bakal membawa keterujaan pendengaran yang imersif untuk pemandu dan penumpang.

Ciri lain dalam varian e:HEV RS ialah paparan info Head Up Display (HUD) yang menunjukkan maklumat-maklumat pemanduan penting seperti kelajuan dan sistem bantuan pemandu (ADAS). Varian ini juga didatangkan dengan Kad Kunci Pintar untuk kemudahan tambahan.

CR-V Serba Baharu disasarkan untuk menjadi penanda aras prestasi keselamatan aktif dan pasif dalam SUV. Buat pertama kali untuk Honda Malaysia, model ini dilengkapi dengan lapan beg udara termasuk dua beg udara di bahagian lutut. Selain itu, Honda CONNECT juga hadir sebagai ciri standard untuk semua varian. Mengekalkan keunggulannya dalam menyediakan rangkaian komprehensif teknologi keselamatan, CR-V Serba Baharu didatangkan dengan sistem Honda SENSING yang dinaik taraf dengan Wide-Angle Radar, Kamera dan Sensor Sonar. Fungsi keselamatan dalam teknologi bantuan pemandu ini dipertingkatkan lagi dengan kemasukan Lampu memandu Adaptif  (Adaptive Driving Beam), menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan fungsi keselamatan kepada sembilan. Ciri keselamatan penting lain dalam model termasuk Honda LaneWatch dan Sistem Kamera Pelbagai Sudut (Kamera 360).

Pelanggan boleh memilih CR-V Serba Baharu yang didatangkan dalam lima warna. Buat pertama kalinya, Honda Malaysia memperkenalkan Biru (Canyon River Blue), menyertai barisan warna Putih (Platinum White Pearl), Perak (Lunar Silver Metallic), Kelabu (Meteoroid Gray Metallic) dan Merah (Ignite Red Metallic).

Varian S berharga RM159,900.00, E pada RM169,900.00 dan V pada RM181,900.00. Varian e:HEV RS hanya akan tersedia pada awal 2024, dan Honda Malaysia akan mengumumkan harga yang lebih dekat dengan tempoh penghantaran.

Tahun ini, Honda meraikan ulang tahun ke-75 dan pada masa yang sama, Honda Malaysia meraikan 20 tahun CR-V sebagai model pengeluaran pertama dari kilang Melaka. Sempena meraikan pencapaian ini, CR-V Serba Baharu Varian S ditawarkan pada harga RM157,900 terhad kepada 750 unit untuk pelanggan yang terawal.

With the all-new Honda CR-V launched in Malaysia, we found another interesting feature besides the body stabilising seats, the active shutter grille.

Since 2017, Honda has incorporated active grille shutters in models like the Odyssey. This system is designed to enhance aerodynamics by utilising vents to regulate airflow through the grille to the cooling system and engine compartment.

The active grille shutters are positioned in front of the radiator and consist of motorised vanes that can move to either allow or block airflow. Controlled by the car’s engine control module, these vanes can be adjusted to various positions, ranging from fully closed to fully open, depending on the cooling air requirements for the condenser and radiator.

When airflow is necessary to cool the engine, the vents open, and when no airflow is needed, they shut. This dynamic adjustment significantly reduces aerodynamic drag, providing benefits in terms of fuel efficiency and emissions reduction. When fully closed, the active grille shutters can contribute to a 2% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Additionally, the system keeps the vanes closed for as long as possible during cold starts, helping the engine reach its most efficient operating temperature quickly and contributing an extra 0.3% to fuel efficiency.

Honda Malaysia has just officially launched the all-new Honda CR-V. We test-drove the new CR-V in Thailand last month and we loved it!

The interior is spacious and provides excellent comfort. To enhance the comfort level, it comes with Honda’s body stabilising seats. This is the first CR-V to use Honda’s body stabilising seat for front passengers.

The enhanced structure in the back of the seat increases lumbar and pelvic support to create a body-stabilising effect. This helps to prevent fatigue, particularly in the hip and waist area of occupants on longer journeys.

Additionally, the new structure makes it easier to maintain a comfortable and stable driving posture, even when cornering and on uneven road surfaces.

The next-generation body stabilising seat, which Honda developed to use for its high-end sedan models, was first available on the fourth-generation Jazz that was unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show back in 2019.

Bookings for the new Honda CR-V (Comfortable Runabout Vehicle) were open to Malaysians a month ago and now, Honda Malaysia has officially launched the CR-V here. The CR-V, a model with a 20-year history, holds the distinction of being the first Completely Knocked-Down (CKD) model produced at Honda Malaysia’s Melaka manufacturing plant in 2003. It has been one of Honda Malaysia’s most successful models with close to 130,000 units sold.

What’s new for the sixth-generation CR-V? First, there are four trim levels to choose from, which are the 1.5L S and 1.5L E, both of which are 2WD models. At the top of the turbo range is an AWD variant, and the 1.5L AWD now has a V-grade identification. The well-known 1.5L VTEC Turbo from the previous generation is present in all three, along with the similarly well-known CVT gearbox and, lastly, sitting at the top is the brand-new 2.0L e:HEV RS, which is a powertrain we first saw in the new Honda Civic.

The 2.0L e:HEV powertrain puts out 184PS and 335Nm of torque while the 1.5L turbo puts out 193PS and 243Nm of torque.

The new CR-V introduces a modern design concept that combines refined elegance with a sophisticated appearance, embodying Honda’s design language. The e:HEV RS has a premium feel with distinct styling, featuring a bold mesh pattern front grille, full LED headlights and tail lights, LED front fog lights, and front LED sequential turn signals. Sleek door handles and Berlina Black 18-inch alloy wheels further contribute to its modern and stylish profile. In terms of sizing, compared to the fifth generation CR-V, the new body is 10mm wider, 80mm longer with a 40mm longer wheelbase.

The model (S, E and e:HEV RS variants) is bigger and wider than its predecessor, setting an imposing stance with its 4,691mm length, 1,866mm width, 1,681mm height and 2,701mm wheelbase.

Enhancing both aerodynamics and fuel efficiency, the e:HEV RS variant incorporates an Active Shutter Grille, a first for the CR-V model. This grille, mounted on the Front Lower Bumper, intelligently regulates cooling airflow based on speed, engine temperature, and cooling requirements and it contributes 0.3% to fuel efficiency.

The boot capacity now sits at 589 litres when the rear seats are up and increases to a capacious 1,072 litres when the seats are laid flat. It has a low loading height, making it easy to move heavier items onto and off the SUV.

Inside, the new CR-V e:HEV RS comes with a 12-speaker Bose sound system while the other variants come with eight speakers. You will also find an improved dashboard as seen in the Civic and with it is a nine-inch infotainment touchscreen, seven-inch for the base S variant. The V and e:HEV RS variants offer interior ambient lighting.


Additionally, the new CR-V features Honda Body Stabilising Seats. This is the first CR-V to use Honda’s Body Stabilising Seat for front passengers, which has a planar resin mat construction to support the occupant’s entire lower body for increased support and stability, extending from the pelvis to the lumbar spine. This raises the hip point position, which facilitates getting in and out of the SUV.

Qi wireless charging, a 360-degree camera, a Honda key card, and wireless Apple CarPlay are among the new features of the CR-V, which also has Android Auto connectivity. Depending on the model, the instrument cluster is either a 10.25-inch fully digital display or a seven-inch semi-digital one with an analogue speedometer, similar to the Civic.

Safety wise, the new CR-V comes with Honda Sensing with advanced technology such as the combination of radar, camera and sonar sensor for better detection angles. This helps with lane departure warning (LDW), road departure mitigation (RDM), lane keep assist system (LKAS), forward collision warning (FCW), collision mitigation braking system (CMBS), lead car departure notification system (LCDN), adaptive cruise control (ACC), low speed follow (LSF), and the RS trim comes with adaptive driving beam.

For the first time in Honda Malaysia, the model incorporates a total of eight Airbags with the inclusion of two Knee Airbags. This feature, along with Honda Connect, comes as standard across all variants.

The all-new CR-V provides customers with a choice of five attractive colours. Available for the first time in Honda Malaysia is Canyon River Blue Metallic, joining the line-up of Platinum White Pearl, Lunar Silver Metallic, Meteoroid Gray Metallic, and Ignite Red Metallic.

The S variant is priced at RM159,900.00, the E at RM169,900.00 and the V at RM181,900.00. The e:HEV RS variant will only be available in early 2024, and Honda Malaysia will announce the price closer to the delivery period.

The comprehensive SUV package of the all-new CR-V contributed to its soaring popularity, amassing over 2,000 bookings in just one month.

This year, Honda is commemorating its 75th Anniversary, coinciding with Honda Malaysia’s celebration of 20 years of Completely Knocked Down (CKD) CR-V production as this model was the first car assembled in its Melaka plant. In conjunction with the celebration of these milestones, the All-New CR-V S Variant is offered at RM157,900 only for 750 units on a first-come, first served basis.

The Malaysian b-segment market is never short of drama. Manufacturers are consistently trying to outdo each other, but amidst all of that outdoing, it is the consumer that always wins. The segment consists of big names like the Honda City, Toyota Vios, Nissan Almera and even the Proton Persona.

But it is fair to say that the most popular are the City and the Vios. While Honda and Toyota are always outdoing each other, we are getting ever better cars.

The Vios is currently in its fourth-generation while the City has been around since the early 80s and is currently in its seventh generation. Over all that time, both have evolved to be mighty fine cars.

UMW Toyota Motors introduced the new Vios earlier this year to much fanfare. Sales have been brisk, but that’s unsurprising considering its popularity.

The City too is the other de facto go to model for those who want practicality and reliability. It is now bigger than ever, and with a recently introduced facelift, it may not be an all-new model like the Vios, but it has everything the Vios has and is arguably better to drive.

In terms of pricing, the Honda City RS petrol costs RM99,900 while the Toyota Vios is priced at RM95,500. However, Honda provides free labour up to five times within 100,00km or five years[NTSF(1] , while Toyota charges an additional RM3,220 for a five-year or 100,000km free service package. If you opt for the service package, that would bring the price of the Toyota close to the City.

So, which should you spend your money on? We dissect the two cars and bring you our opinion on which would be worth your money:


Beginning with what matters most, both cars are powered by a 1.5-litre naturally-aspirated engine. The Honda has offers its i-VTEC technology to make accessible power, while Toyota has its D-VVTi.

However, the Vios is down on power as compared to the City. The Vios produces 106PS and 138Nm, while the City offers 121PS and 145Nm. The difference may not seem that much but this is felt the most during acceleration where the City feels more eager to get up to speed.

As far as efficiency goes, both cars have 40-litre fuel tanks and are capable of providing about 500km of range on a full tank.


Again, both cars ride on identical suspension set ups, MacPherson struts up front and a torsion beam at the rear.

Both do excellent jobs at keeping occupants detached from the horrors of the roads underneath them. However, in terms of handling, the City feels more alive and is quicker to oblige every turn of the steering wheel. The steering feel of the Vios feels more muted and heavy. If you are into keen on more agile and responsive handling, you will appreciate the City.

In terms of braking, both also have the same set up – solid discs all around.


This is always subjective, but it is the Vios that has the freshest design between the two. The City has gone through several facelifts and now offers a bolder grille and sportier bumpers. However, the overall silhouette remains the same.

Toyota was keen to talk about the sportback design of the Vios when it was launched early this year. It adds character to the Toyota whose designs have always been safe and unadventurous (remember the dugong?).

But the sportback design comes at a price. Because the rear of the roofline drops dramatically into the a-pillar, this ultimately sacrifices headroom for rear passengers. Anyone above 180cm will be scrapping the top of his head against the roof liner. This ultimately results in the City having a more spacious interior.


Building on the topic of interior spaciousness, the City does it better again. This time, the culprit is the centre console, where the gear lever and handbrake are placed.

The centre console of the Vios is simply too high as compared to the City. This results in narrower foot wells for the driver and front passenger, so you sit with your legs closer together than you would in the City. This may not affect shorter people, but if you’re tall, you may find that this limits legroom.

The taller shoulder line of the Vios also makes the windows smaller, especially at the rear. This means that there is not as much light that is fed back into the cabin, making it seem as if it were smaller than the City.

Both cars offer leather clad interiors while the seats in the Honda offer better padding, making them more comfortable, especially over longer distances.

There are no complaints about quality though as both have impressive interior builds.

Rear passengers will appreciate the fact that they have their own air-conditioning vents, as well as two USB ports.


Both cars are also almost identical in terms of the tech and features they have to offer.

Inside, both come with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. For audiophiles, there are six speakers in the Vios and eight in the Honda. However, it is the Vios that has a bigger infotainment system, but at nine inches, it is only an inch bigger and not quite a deal breaker.

As for booth space, the Vios has a surprisingly smaller booth. At 470-litres, it is down on the Honda’s 519-litres. Before you begin to think that the difference is minuscule, that 49 litres makes the difference between space for a backpack or none.

Onto the safety front, where both cars are once again nearly identical. The City comes packed with Honda’s SENSING while the Vios features Toyota’s Safety Suite.

Building on that is the fact that both cars are also evenly matched when it comes to active safety systems as both have six airbags, vehicle stability assist, ABS, electronic brakeforce distribution, brake assist and more.


The fact that both cars are so evenly matched makes it difficult to choose one or another. At this point, it is just a matter of branding, which brand are you fonder of? But if there is one thing that truly makes a difference, it is interior space.

Hoping from the Vios into the City, the difference is jarring. The interior of the City feels a lot more bigger than the Vios and the seats are more comfortable as well. That point alone would have done it for us, but the City also runs on smaller 16-inch wheels as compared to the 17-inch wheels on the Vios.

A quick check online revealed that cheapest 16-inch tyre from Goodyear costs RM262 per piece, while 17-inch tyres cost RM351. Assuming you will need to change all four tyres, the tyres for the Honda will cost you RM1,048 while the Vios will set you back RM1,404. The savings of RM356 will give you about four full tanks of petrol.

But that aside, the interior spaciousness, comfort, and the fact that it has a bigger booth makes the Honda City our choice between the two.

Honda Specifications:

Engine: 1.5-litre, 4-cylinder, 16-valve, DOHC, i-VTEC

Power: 121PS@6600rpm

Torque: 145Nm @ 4300rpm

Gearbox: CVT

Suspension: MacPherson strut (Front), Torsion Beam (Rear)

We like: Interior spaciousness and comfort

We don’t like: Hard to fault

Toyota Specifications:

Engine: 1.5-litre, 4-cylinder, 1r6-valve, DOHC, VVT-i

Power: 106PS@6000rpm

Torque: 138Nm@4200rpm

Gearbox: CVT

Suspension: MacPherson strut (Front) Torsion Beam (Rear)

We like: Fresh new design

We don’t like: Interior can be cramped


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