

Noise is something we adapt to over time (if it is not very loud) and where noise inside cars is concerned, different models will have different levels. The more expensive ones with better insulation and more damping materials will have a quieter interior while occupants in the lower-priced models may hear more noises.

Over time, the ears get used to the noise levels and what may have seemed ‘noisy’ might seem to fade away. Or the opposite can also occur as time will see some parts loosening, gaps widening so noise from outside can seep in.


Where drivers used to have to shout to make themselves heard above certain speeds, modern-day cars are comparatively quiet. Conversations and music are clearly audible, even at low volumes. But the quest for quietness in the cabin has not ended and Ford’s ‘Whisper Strategy’ delivers lots of small noise improvements around the vehicle that add up to a big difference. Lower noise levels will not just enhance comfort but can also reduce fatigue.


The ‘Whisper Strategy’
Take the new Kuga sold in Europe, for example: Ford engineers examined noise‑generating elements from the suspension to the door seals to help find ways to optimize interior refinement. Adding perforations to the leather seat bolsters reduced the total area of flat surfaces inside the cabin, helping absorb rather than reflect noise.

Aerodynamically-tuned sound shields are also added underneath the body of the vehicle that help limit road and wind noise entering from outside.

Ford engineers spent two years testing more than 70 different tyres over surfaces from smooth tarmac to rough concrete and cobbles, in wet and dry conditions and at a range of speeds to find the exact specification that kept road noise to a minimum.

They added smaller and narrower channels behind the exterior panels that allow hidden wiring and components to pass from one area to limit airflow inside the body.

“Our ‘whisper strategy’ is designed to make journeys as quiet as they can possibly be – from absorbing sound through perforated seats to testing that involves listening carefully to the different sound patterns created by dozens of different tyres,” explained Glen Goold, Chief Programme Engineer for the model.

A generational divide
To ascertain just how much quieter today’s cars are, the engineers got hold of a 1966 Ford Anglia and measured sound levels. They found that the interior noise levels in the latest Kuga Plug-In Hybrid are just one quarter of those experienced by motorist in the 1960s.

Noise levels

All-new Ford Kuga
Today’s Kuga PHEV (above) has a quarter the amount of noise in the cabin compared to the 1966 Anglia (below)

1966 Ford Anglia

With the quality of musical sound reproduction in cars getting higher and higher, ensuring that undesirable noises are kept out or suppressed is important. Quietness also gives a more premium ambience in the cabin, increasing the appeal of the model.

To view, test-drive or buy Ford vehicles in Malaysia, visit www.sdacford.com.my.

The New Ford Ranger FX4



In pre-pandemic times, policemen in vehicles transporting people to hospitals or police stations have had the risk of picking up diseases from their passengers. But that was a reasonable risk in their line of duty. Today though, the COVID-19 coronavirus is a threat so serious that personnel who have to interact with people known to be infected must wear personal protection equipment. However, policemen have no way of knowing if a person they arrest or help is infected and the best they can do to protect themselves is to wear a mask and gloves.

“Law enforcement officers are being dispatched as emergency responders in some cases where ambulances may not be available,” said Stephen Tyler, Ford police brand marketing manager. “During one trip, officers may be transporting a coronavirus patient to a hospital, while another trip may involve an occupant who may be asymptomatic (showing no signs of being infected).”

Sanitization Software in Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles

A Ford engineering team had already initiated a project in late March to look for ways to decontaminate vehicles and around that time, the New York City Police Department also alerted Ford to its need for a more efficient disinfecting process as the pandemic grew in intensity.

One approach they considered was using heat. Ongoing research suggests that the coronavirus cannot tolerate very high temperatures and can be deactivated. Ford worked with The Ohio State University to determine the temperature range and time needed.

Hotter than Death Valley
The solution: Bake the vehicle’s interior until viruses inside are inactivated. Using the Ford Police Interceptor Utility’s own hybrid powertrain and climate control systems, a software solution enables vehicles to elevate passenger compartment temperatures beyond 56 degrees C. (132.8 degrees F) –  hotter than Death Valley on its hottest day – for 15 minutes, long enough to help disinfect vehicle touchpoints.

Sanitization Software in Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles

The software warms up the engine to an elevated level, and both heat and fan settings operate on high. The software automatically monitors interior temperatures until the entire passenger compartment hits the optimal level, then that extreme temperature is maintained for 15 minutes.

Operational trials with vehicles owned by some police departments indicated that the high temperature could reduce the viral concentration inside the vehicle by more than 99%. This heated process can be used by law enforcement regularly to help sanitize vehicles when officers are not inside.

Greater coverage
When used in conjunction with sanitization guidelines approved by US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, flooding the passenger compartment with elevated air temperature can help reach areas that may be missed by manual disinfecting procedures. Heat has the ability to seep into crevices and hard-to-reach areas, helping reduce the impact of human error in applying chemical disinfectants.

“Officers can now use this self-cleaning mode as an extra layer of protection inside the vehicle in areas where manual cleaning is prone to be overlooked,” said Tyler. “This virus is an invisible enemy and we are proud to provide a solution to help the law enforcement community fight it.”

Sanitization Software in Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles

There are multiple ways to monitor progress of the heating. Hazard lights and taillights will flash in a pre-set pattern to notify when the process has begun, then will change at the end to signal completion. The vehicle’s instrument cluster will also indicate progress. A cool-down process brings the temperature down from its highest points.

This example of Ford’s smart vehicle technology can be installed in Police Interceptor Utility vehicles that were supplied between 2012 and 2019. The police departments with their own service centres can install the software using their own diagnostic service tools or dealers can do the job.

Ford Police Interceptor Utility Hybrid
Ford Police Interceptor Utility has a hybrid powertrain

“First responders are on the front lines protecting all of us. They are exposed to the virus and are in dire need of protective measures,” said Hau Thai-Tang, Ford Chief Product Development and Purchasing Officer. “We looked at what’s in our arsenal and how we could step up to help. In this case, we’ve turned the vehicle’s powertrain and heat control systems into a virus neutralizer.”

To locate a dealership to test-drive or buy Ford vehicles in Malaysia, visit www.sdacford.com.my.

How motorists can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Social distancePISTON.MY


All types of sounds can be heard around us. Even if they are not man-made (like from cars or parties), there is still the sound of the wind or the rustle of leaves. For almost total quietness, you need to go to Chile’s Atacama Desert or Ushuaia on the southern tip of Argentina where the only sounds you can hear are the flapping of penguins’ wings and the ice sheets cracking.

Total quietness is hard to achieve in urban environments and it is only inside specially-designed facilities called anechoic chambers that extreme silence is possible. In the Guinness records list, an anechoic chamber owned by Microsoft in America has sound measurements down to s -20.16 decibels. The sound made by air molecules bumping off each other measures -24 decibels.

Car manufacturers also have anechoic chambers as they need the quietness to make their vehicles quieter. The SEAT Technical Centre in Martorell, Spain has such a facility, specifically designed to measure the sounds and noises made by a car with the utmost precision and without any interference.

The ‘temple of silence’
An anechoic chamber is designed with a system called ‘Box in box’ and as the name indicates, it features several layers of concrete and steel that isolate it from the exterior. The inside has cladding material that absorbs 95% of sound waves to prevent echoes and reverberations. People who have been in such chambers say they can sometimes hear the blood flowing through their veins or the air circulating in their lungs.

Anechoic chamber
It is so quiet inside an anechoic chamber that you can sometimes hear blood flowing in your veins!

From the engine or the turning wheels to the door closing, the ventilation system and when a seat reclines, noises will emanate. The list of noises made by a car is endless, and they are all analysed in the chamber.

Creating harmony in noises
“On one hand, we measure the level of unpleasantness of the noises and check that they are reduced to a minimum; on the other, we make sure that the noises we do want to hear, the ones that refer to the operation of the vehicle, are perfectly defined. Finally, we work on making them harmonious,” explained Ignacio Zabala, Head of the Acoustics department at SEAT.

Anechoic chamber

Engineers and technicians pay close attention to the engine and the exhaust system, as they give a car its ‘voice’. Many of the sounds made by a car convey information – like the unmistakeable clicking of the turn signal indicators, which let us know without checking that they are blinking. But not only do the engine and exhaust noises inform us of when to shift gears or the speed of acceleration, they also give an insight into the character of a model.

“We all know what the roar of a sporty engine sounds like, and that’s why we verify that it conveys what we want it to in the anechoic chamber” said Zabala.

Hertz, decibels and psychoacoustics
Inside the room, specialists perform recordings with different highly sensitive microphones. One is binaural and features a torso with ear-level microphones to obtain representative recordings of what occupants hear. They place it in different positions to verify that each sound analysed is heard as it should be from any angle.

Anechoic chamber

Several analysis tools are used and the most basic include volume or spectral distribution, to other more technical parameters such as the field of psychoacoustics, or the subjective perception of sound.

“It’s no use having a car that is fully insulated from the exterior if the ventilation system sounds too loud. That’s why it’s important to reduce noise and define sounds to achieve a harmonious balance among them,” he explained further. He added that that the goal is that the vehicle occupants feel as comfortable as possible, because ‘acoustics have a direct impact on comfort and are determining factors in the perception of vehicle quality’.

Social distancePISTON.MY

Some people believe that if you are struck by bird poop, it may be a sign of good luck. After all, of all the humans around you, why would you be the one to get it? For motorists, good luck or not, it’s definitely not good for the car’s paintwork.

Most of us have probably had this problem at one time or another and even when you avoid parking under trees, a blob of poop may fall from the skies as you are driving. It’s unsightly and if not washed off quickly, can cause damage.


How Ford is helping
Fortunately, Ford vehicles are tested for just this eventuality – with the help of artificial bird poop.  The laboratory-developed synthetic droppings are so realistic that they can accurately reflect the differing diets – and subsequent different acidity of droppings – of most of the birdlife in Europe, where testing is done.

Applied to test panels as a spray, sample pieces are aged at 40° C, 50° C and 60° C in an oven to replicate customer use in extreme heats, pushing the paint corrosion protection to its limits.

The ‘bird poop test’ is just one of the ordeals paint samples are put through. They also spray phosphoric acid mixed with soap detergent, and synthetic pollen on panels before aging them in ovens at 60° C and 80° C for 30 minutes. The test guards against airborne particulates such as pollen and sticky tree sap.


Extreme sunshine is bad
Intense sunlight can be particularly dangerous for paint as the paint can also soften and expand. And that’s something we certainly have a lot of in Malaysia.  When the paint cools, it contracts and any grime, including bird droppings, attaches itself to the surface. If left on the vehicle for some time, it can leave a permanent mark that requires specialist treatment to remove.

By fine-tuning the pigments, resins and additives that go into making a car’s shiny protective paintwork, specialists can ensure the coating Ford applies to its vehicles has the optimum make-up to resist the impact of these types of pollutants, no matter what the weather.

The science of bird poop
Bird poop is often white and black, but it’s not all poop. The white part is uric acid and is the bird equivalent to urine, formed in the urinary tract. Poop is made in the digestive system and while both can be secreted at the same time, it happens with such speed that the two don’t have time to mix.

Additional paint tests
Other tests for paint samples include being bombarded non-stop with ultraviolet (UV) light for up to 6,000 hours (250 days) in a light lab – simulating 5 years in the brightest place on earth – to evaluate outdoor weathering; getting frozen in sub-zero temperatures; being exposed to harsh winter road grime in a high humidity salt chamber and subjection to simulated fuel staining from vehicle service station over-fuelling.

How to clean bird poop
Leaving bird poop on any car is therefore never a good idea. The advice for any car owner is simply to regularly wash your vehicle with a sponge and lukewarm water containing neutral pH shampoo, and gently remove harmless looking substances from the paintwork immediately. Waxing painted surfaces once or twice a year helps ensure new paint finishes can better resist harshest attacks, while staying shiny for longer.

“With so many cars parked and not moved from their usual spots for long periods in recent times as people stay at home, it’s likely birds are leaving their mark more than usual. It’s wise to remove it before it gets too baked on. But our customers can at least take some consolation in the work we do to help keep their paint protected,” said Andre Thierig, Manager, Core Engineering Paint at Ford of Europe.

Visit www.sdacford.com.my to know more about Ford models available in Malaysia.

New Ford technology can prevent ‘car dooring’ by cyclists (w/VIDEO)

Stay in your state


Carmakers may spend a lot of money on racing activities but in many cases, such activities also support R&D for the company to develop new technologies for future models. Honda has been on such company and even in the 1960s, before it was established as a serious carmaker, it was already in Formula 1, the first Japanese company to do so.

Honda’s founder believed that the experience of working in a racing team was invaluable for the engineers. They had to find solutions to problems very quickly and in the high-pressured environment of motorsports. The benefits were understood, and Honda made sure that it remained active in motorsports, with many technologies flowing to production models.

Honda in F1
In the 1960s, Honda was the first Japanese manufacturer to race in F1 and its engineers benefitted from the experience of working in the high-pressured environment.

The latest Jazz is an example of advanced Honda hybrid innovation transferring from the racetrack to the road. Using engineering expertise from its motorsport team, Honda is drawing knowledge from its Formula 1 Hybrid Power Unit (PU) programme to improve the energy efficiency of the brand’s e:HEV hybrid system.

The latest Honda Formula 1 Hybrid Power Unit, named RA620H, uses a highly efficient 1600 cc 6-cylinder internal combustion engine, combined with an Energy Recovery System. The advanced hybrid electrical systems ingeniously recycle energy produced by the brakes and exhaust gases to generate extra boost power for acceleration and to reduce turbo lag.

Last season, Honda’s Hybrid Power Unit helped its partner teams, Aston Martin Red Bull Racing and Scuderia Toro Rosso (now known as Scuderia AlphaTauri), achieve a total of 3 race wins and 6 podium places.

Honda e-HEV Hybrid
Honda’s partner teams in F1 are Scuderia AlphaTauri (formerly Scuderia Toro Rosso) and Aston Martin Red Bull Racing.

During races, Honda Formula 1 engineers are constantly assessing and changing the ratio of energy recovered and deployed by the hybrid system to deliver optimum performance. The expertise they have developed in running hybrid power units at optimum efficiency and power output inspires Honda’s range of advanced e:HEV powertrains in its passenger cars.

The beneficiary of this technology is the Jazz. Its e:HEV hybrid system recycles energy and harnesses it to charge the battery and support engine output, for strong performance, seamless switching between drive modes and maximum efficiency.

BHPetrol RON95 Euro4M

“During a Formula 1 race weekend, teams have to manage very carefully how much fuel they use to comply with the sport’s regulations. In a race, we can divide the total fuel allowance over the number of laps, but there are going to be situations where a team might wish to use more fuel in order to get higher performance and in other parts of the race they will want to save fuel for later, while behind a safety car for example,” explained Yasuaki Asaki, Head of PU Development.

“In a race, the communication between the race engineer and the driver is key to achieving that best balance. However, in our road-going e:HEV hybrids, we apply our expertise to ensure the Powertrain control units deliver the best possible power to efficiency ratio for the driver, in any required driving mode,” he said.

Honda e-HEV Hybrid

The e:HEV system (shown above) is newly developed for Jazz consists of two compact, powerful electric motors connected to a 1.5-litre DOHC i-VTEC petrol engine; a lithium-ion battery; and an innovative fixed-gear transmission via an intelligent power control unit.

Formula 1 Hybrid Power Unit

To deliver a rewarding driving experience and exceptional efficiency, the e:HEV hybrid set-up seamlessly selects from three interchangeable drive modes:

EV Drive: the lithium-ion battery supplies power to the electric propulsion motor directly.

Hybrid Drive: the engine supplies power to the electric generator motor, which in turn supplies it to the electric propulsion motor.

Engine Drive: the petrol engine is connected directly to the wheels via a lock-up clutch and drive force is transmitted directly from engine to the wheels.

In most urban driving situations, optimum efficiency is achieved through seamless transitions between EV Drive and Hybrid Drive. At highway speeds, Engine Drive is used, supplemented by an on-demand peak power ‘boost’ from the electric propulsion motor for fast acceleration. In Hybrid Drive, excess power from the petrol engine can also be diverted to recharge the battery via the generator motor. EV Drive is also engaged when the car is decelerating, harvesting energy through regenerative braking to recharge the battery.

Rather than using a conventional transmission, the Jazz is equipped with a newly-developed Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (eCVT) with a single fixed-gear ratio to create a direct connection between moving components. This transfers torque with a linear feel during acceleration across all drive modes.

Honda Origins – the manga version of Honda’s history



BHPetrol RON95 Euro4M

For decades, car designers have understood that aerodynamics play a key role in a vehicle’s performance in more ways than one. The better the aerodynamics – usually referencing its coefficient of drag or Cd – the less wind resistance it has. This, in turn, can benefit fuel economy as less power is needed to achieve a desired speed, reduce wind noise and also enhance stability.

Over the years, various shapes have been conceived with the aim of lowering the Cd number as much as possible. The vehicles have looked strange in some examples but usually had typical features such as a sleek bodywork and sharp nose to ‘pierce’ through the air.


Few have been more radical than the Aerodynamic Research Volkswagen (ARVW) of 1980, a single-seat arrow that remains the most aerodynamic vehicle ever built with a VW badge. Sparked by the oil crises of the 1970s, the ARVW was meant to demonstrate how aerodynamics and lightweight vehicle construction could generate massive speeds from everyday power.

The first challenge was squeezing a driver, powertrain and four wheels into a body that could have the smallest profile possible. At just 84 cm tall and 110 cm wide, the ARVW’s shape was optimised for aerodynamic smoothness. Its wheels were hidden wheels and a smooth underbody allowed air to pass under the vehicle without turbulence. There were even moveable fins that helped keep it stable at high speeds.


The ARVW was built from an aluminium frame under a fibreglass-and-carbon body. Power came from a 2.4-litre turbocharged, inline-six engine which produced 177 bhp. Set right behind the driver, it powered the rear wheels via a chain drive. By using an onboard water tank that injected water into the turbocharger’s intake, the engine needed few cooling vents. The main cooling vent was positioned in the nose to let air flow smoothly over its radiator and exit on top of the vehicle.

The ARVW’s Cd was 0.15, a number that remains far sleeker than any production vehicle. In October 1980, a small team of Volkswagen engineers and a skilled driver went to the Nardo test track in Italy to demonstrate what the ARVW was capable of. In the first hour, the ARVW hit 355 km/h., eventually reaching 362 km/h, setting two world speed records in the process.

Volkswagen XL1
Volkswagen built 200 units of the XL1 for sale between 2013 and 2016.

The shape of the ARVW would later be referred to in the radical XL1. And as low drag coefficients provide sizable benefits to an electric vehicle’s range, advanced aerodynamics will play an essential role in Volkswagen’s the upcoming ID. electric vehicle family.

Volkswagen’s electric vehicles will use a 1-speed gearbox!



For the past few years, Mercedes-Benz has begun its transition towards electrifications, creating the EQ range for a new line of electric vehicles (EVs). While R&D relating to EVs has accelerated in the past 10 years, the carmaker was already exploring electric propulsion 30 years ago.

In May 1990, it exhibited a 190 (W 201) model that had been converted to electric drive in the innovation market section at the Hanover Fair. “In this way, the Mercedes 190, which in terms of length and weight comes closest to the requirements of an electric vehicle, is an ideal battery test vehicle. The main objective is to assess the functional suitability of all the components in realistic situations with all the vibrations, accelerations and temperature fluctuations experienced in everyday operation,” explained the brochure issued at the time.

1990 Mercedes-Benz 190 EV

A mobile laboratory
The company made a fleet of electric 190s which were used to test different drive configurations and battery systems. The energy storage devices tested were mainly sodium-nickel chloride or sodium-sulphur high-energy batteries which had a significantly higher energy density than conventional classic lead-acid batteries. However, the working temperature of both systems was around 300 degrees C. which wasn’t so good.

The following year, Mercedes-Benz displayed a more advanced car at the Geneva Motor Show. This prototype with electric drive had an individual 16 kw/22 hp electric motor to drive each wheel. Total power output was 32 kW/44 hp and the energy came from a sodium-nickel chloride battery. Regenerative braking – a feature in many of today’s EVs and hybrids – returned energy to the power pack during braking actions.

1990 Mercedes-Benz 190 EV

A particular advantage of the concept was the elimination of weight-intensive mechanical components, so the additional weight compared to a production model with a combustion engine was only 200 kgs. It was still a substantial amount of extra weight, largely due to the battery pack.

From 1992 onwards, there was a large-scale field trial which ran for 4 years, funded by the German government. The aim of the exercise was to test EVs and energy systems, including batteries, in everyday practice. A total of 60 passenger cars and vans from several brands were involved.

1990 Mercedes-Benz 190 EV

100,000 kms in 1 year
The pioneering 190s were driven by various participants in the trials and these included taxi drivers who used them in daily life. There were hardly any problems and one of the Mercedes prototypes achieved a peak usage rate of around 100,000 kms in 1 year.

The results provided the engineers with new insights into battery service life, the number of possible discharge and charge cycles, range, energy consumption and reliability. In the following years Mercedes-Benz would apply the electric drive concept to other passenger models.

Mercedes-Benz EQC
The first fully-electric Mercedes-Benz production model – the EQC. Its powertrain (below) was developed with the data gained from R&D activities since 1990.

Mercedes-Benz EQC

All the knowledge gained by the R&D teams in the 1990s contributed to the comprehensive knowledge pool of vehicle development on which engineers draw in developing today’s vehicles. In fact, some of the engineers who worked on the electric W 201 prototypes are still active in the company’s EV development and are involved in the latest projects.

Mercedes-Benz EQ Range unveiled in Malaysia



The world is extensively connected today and wherever you are on the planet, you can almost easily connect to someone else in another location. In recent years, there’s also been another type of connectivity taking place in cars where development is underway for cars to be able to ‘talk’ to each other.

This is not only useful for improving driving safety today but also tomorrow when autonomous vehicles are moving around. By communicating their position, other vehicles can avoid them if they are not visible or have been immobilised due to an accident.

Goodyear Connected Tyre

Now Goodyear is also working on connected tyres which can communicate with the vehicle. With sensors embedded in the tyres, the tyre and road condition can be relayed to the vehicle’s ‘brain’. initial studies have shown that such connected tyres can reduce stopping distance lost between a new and worn tyre by 30%.

With the evolution to electric and autonomous vehicles, connected tyres and the impact they can have on stopping distance, communication with the vehicle will only increase in importance. The connected and intelligent tyre system continuously measures and records tyre-derived information, which is paired with other vehicle data and connected to Goodyear’s cloud-based proprietary algorithms.

Goodyear has been conducting road tests and field trials and its test fleet has covered 4.8 million kilometres, collecting valuable data to refine and improve the concept. The intelligent tyres can measure tyre wear, load, inflation and temperature, along with road surface conditions, in real time, allowing the vehicle to adjust and respond to these measurements and optimise vehicle performance.

“Consider someone driving on a slick, curvy road in wet conditions. The driver adjusts his movements by slowing down, tapping the brakes or avoiding sudden steering,” said Chris Helsel, Goodyear’s Chief Technology Officer. “But what happens when nobody is behind the wheel? The tyre is the only part of the vehicle that touches the ground and it can communicate vital information to the vehicle, enhancing safety and performance.”

There’s no time-frame for the introduction of connected tyres but Goodyear is continuously testing them extensively with automakers, start-ups and other groups.

Goodyear reCharge tyre creates its own treads when needed (w/VIDEO)

Covid-19 hotline


BHPetrol RON95 Euro4M

Nobody can see it, but it is a factor in a car’s fuel consumption, safety and comfort. It’s called aerodynamics, or the study of how air moves around solid objects. In the automotive world, its application is very practical: reducing a car’s resistance to wind. And all this is tested in its ‘temple’, the wind tunnel. This is how it works.

A hurricane in the room
Typically, prototypes are placed in the middle of a chamber, securely kept to the floor. Huge fans generate airflow and the vehicles can face winds of up to 300 km/h while sensors study their individual surfaces.

The air travels in a circular motion, depending on the size of the rotor and blades. Needless to say, when it’s blowing at full power, no one will be allowed inside the chamber as they would literally get blown out of it.

SEAT wind tunnel

The car’s resistance data is displayed on the computer screens. Hundreds of numbers to be interpreted and compared to even the smallest variable to improve aerodynamics. Every millimetre of each part is key, since it is not only possible to reduce consumption, but also to increase stability, comfort and safety.

Shaping to go faster
Wind tunnels, while primarily used for development of future models, are also valuable for racing cars. While the goal in aerodynamic efficiency for production models is to lower fuel consumption and improve stability, when it comes to racing cars, optimising the bodywork to achieve higher speeds is the aim.

SEAT wnd tunnel
The performance of rear wings, for example, can be optimised for the best downforce.

CUPRA Racing’s Head of Technical Development, Xavi Serra, explains: “We want the new CUPRA Leon Competicion to have less air resistance and more grip when cornering. First, they will have to compete against the wind. Here we measure the parts on a 1:1 scale with the real aerodynamic loads and we can simulate the real contact with the road. This gives us the result of how the car will perform on the track.”

235 km/h standing still
The facilities where the CUPRA engineers test their prototypes are among the most complete and innovative. They have a special feature that makes the tests seem as if they are made in near-real conditions. However, instead of the car travelling at up to 235 km/h, the same effects are achieved by making the air travel at those speeds.

SEAT wind tunnel

“The most important thing is that we can simulate the road. The wheels turn thanks to electric motors that move belts under the car,” said Wind Tunnel engineer Stefan Auri.

After hundreds of measurements, the results are compared with the car’s previous generation. “In this sense we’re satisfied; we’ve lowered the drag and improved the downforce, so it’s more efficient than the previous model, which will give us better lap times on the track,” said Xavi, adding that the data obtained will also be used to improve the new CUPRA models.

Supercomputer crunches numbers
The wind tunnel is not the only tool for improving aerodynamics. Supercomputing also plays a key role. When a model is in the early stages of development and there is not yet a prototype to study in a wind tunnel, 40,000 laptops working in unison are put to the service of aerodynamics. This is the MareNostrum 4 supercomputer, the most powerful in Spain and the seventh in Europe. Scientists around the world use it to carry out all kinds of simulations, and in the case of a collaboration project with SEAT, its computing power is used to battle the wind.

Watch: Onboard a race-spec Seat Cupra around Sepang Circuit!



BHPetrol RON95 Euro4M

BMW Efficient Dynamics technology was initiated in 2007 with the objective of consistently reducing fuel consumption – and thereby CO2 emissions – on the one hand, while steadily enhancing driving dynamics on the other. Generally, when pursuing lower fuel consumption goals, the trade-off has been in performance but that would not be acceptable to BMW engineers.

BMW Efficient Dynamics
In Malaysia, early examples of BMW Efficient Dynamics focussed on advanced turbodiesel technology (2009 730Ld engine shown below).

BMW engine

As a result, Efficient Dynamics is now a fundamental link in the DNA of all BMW models and one of the key reasons why the BMW Group will be able to meet the European Union’s CO2 targets in full.

Technical measures covering every area
The Efficient Dynamics approach systematically optimizes every aspect of the vehicle, not just the powertrain. On the aerodynamics side, active air flap control is now in its third generation, while the new iX3 (due to be launched by the end of 2020) will be fitted with the latest generation of BMW aerodynamic wheels.

BMW Efficient Dynamics
iX3 prototype, undergoing cold weather testing, will use unique aerodynamic wheels (below).

BMW Efficient Dynamics

The technology behind the new wheels has been further refined, resulting in a 5% reduction in drag coefficient compared to conventional X3 wheels plus a 15% weight saving over the previous BMW aerodynamic wheel type.

Such significant steps forward have been achieved thanks to heavy investment in the necessary aerodynamics R&D infrastructure over recent years. The most aerodynamically efficient current model overall, the new 3-Series Sedan, has a Cd of just 0.23, earning it the title of ‘best in segment’.

Intelligent lightweight design has also led to some major efficiency-boosting advances. This has made it possible to reduce the weight of models from one generation to the next, despite increases in size and safety enhancements. Optimizing structures and employing the ideal materials in every area of a vehicle are key to attaining the goals that have been set.

BMW Wind tunnel

The wide range of powertrain systems on offer also plays a fundamental role in the Efficient Dynamics concept. From highly efficient combustion engines with 48V electrical systems to plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles – all are underpinned by the basic principle of Efficient Dynamics: minimize the input while maximizing the output.

The advent of 48V mild hybrid technology greatly expands the possible uses of Brake Energy Regeneration. This technology made its debut in the four variants of the 520d last year and are now being extended to the 3-Series, X3 and X4 ranges.

Hydrogen fuel cells in future
The BMW i Hydrogen NEXT – unveiled to the public at the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show as a technology demonstrator – represents a potential fourth pillar in the company’s powertrain portfolio. The BMW Group has been working with the Toyota Motor Corporation on fuel cell technology since 2013. The underlying conditions for supplying ‘green’ hydrogen are not yet in place, however, meaning it will still be some time before the BMW Group brings out a production vehicle with this technology on board.

BMW i Hydrogen NEXT

BMW Efficient Dynamics
The BMW Group and Toyota are working on a hydrogen fuel cell powertrain for the future.

Systematic roll-out with clear benefits
As a result of the continuously evolving package of technological measures, fleet consumption and CO2 emissions have been cut by more than 40% over the last 13 years. What is more, the BMW Group will comply in full with the European Union’s CO2 targets, thanks in part to the rigorous deployment of BMW Efficient Dynamics innovations as standard across all model series. With ongoing electrification of the range, CO2 emissions in 2020 will be 20% lower again thant the figure for 2019.

First look at the hydrogen fuel cell powertrain being developed by BMW and Toyota




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